
Speak out and stay safe with Buddy

The NSPCC ‘Speak Out Stay Safe’ programme, which teaches children aged 5-11 about safeguarding in an active and meaningful way, was delivered to all pupils from Primary 2 to Primary 7.

The pupils met ‘Buddy’, a friendly green speech bubble, who believes children should be able to speak out to someone if they are worried or unhappy. At interactive assemblies, Buddy explained the different ways children can be hurt and helped the pupils to understand when something is not right.  With Buddy’s help, the children explored what might make them feel sad, anxious or unsafe. They talked about the trusted adults that they can talk to if they are worried, both in school and out of school. They also found out about Childline and learnt how they can get in contact with them if they are troubled or need someone to talk to. The Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils also participated in classroom-based workshops where they explored the definition of abuse in greater depth. They took part in engaging exercises looking at different scenarios and about making informed decisions about what to do.

You can find out more about this programme and also access many other useful and parent friendly resources by visiting the NSPCC  website at

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Life at St Anne’s

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2