
Mathematics and Numeracy

Numeracy is the development and application of mathematics across the curriculum and in real-life situations. At St. Anne’s, children are engaged in a wide range of purposeful activities which involve them in different modes of mathematical learning, including playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, asking questions, reflecting, drafting, reading and recording.

Mathematical language, skills and knowledge are developed across the interrelated areas of Number, Shape and Space, Measures and Data Handling with Processes in Mathematics pervading our entire programme. These Mathematical skills and concepts are also embedded within the teaching and learning of all other curriculum areas, providing our pupils with opportunities to consolidate and apply them in a rich variety of meaningful contexts.

Language and Literacy

Literacy focuses on developing each child’s ability to understand and use language, both spoken and written. The development of language and literacy is crucial to living and learning. Language is used to communicate with people, to share and express feelings, to give and obtain information and to understand ideas and develop thoughts. The Language and Literacy Programme comprises of three integral elements: Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing which extend across all areas of the curriculum.

At St. Anne’s we aim to nurture each child’s ability to express themselves creatively and to communicate confidently using a variety of skills and media. Our two libraries provide a flexible learning space with a wide and inclusive range of resources.  They have a vital role in the development of the culture that promotes wider reading, motivated readers and learners for life. Language and literacy are celebrated in a special way on World Book Day and through our annual Poetry Parade.

Using Information and Communications Technology (UICT)

Using ICT is the ability to handle and communicate information, solve problems, pose questions and be creative through the use of technology. At St. Anne’s, pupils are given opportunities to transfer their knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of meaningful contexts across the curriculum. Our established Coding Club, two computer suites, iPads along with a range of other technological devices are used to enrich our pupils’ learning experiences allowing them to become more independent, self-motivated and flexible learners, equipping them for the rapidly evolving world.

The World Around Us (WAU)

The World Around Us is presented as four related strands: Interdependence, Place, Movement and Energy, Change Over Time that connect learning across Geography, Science, History and Technology.

At St. Anne’s, our pupils develop an awareness of themselves and their place in the world, as well as an appreciation of the beauty and wonder of the world. They are active participants in the topic based learning experiences, their natural curiosity being fostered and extended. Educational trips to venues such as Cultra Folk Park, Belfast Zoo, Ulster Museum and participation in programmes such as the Young Enterprise, Medics in Primary Schools and Junior Entrepreneur are used to enhance our pupils’ understanding of the world in which they live.

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU)

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (PDMU) focuses on encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally and socially effective, to lead healthy, safe and fulfilled lives and to become independent and responsible citizens. The PDMU programme is split into two strands: Personal Understanding and Health; Mutual Understanding in the Local and Wider Community.

In St. Anne’s we encourage our pupils to celebrate their uniqueness and provide opportunities for them to develop an appreciation of other cultures. Specific attention is given to the development of moral thinking, values and action and the need for mutual understanding and respect. Working in collaboration with a number of external organizations such as the PSNI, Fire Brigade, NSPCC, provides our pupils with the opportunity to develop their self-esteem, attitudes and values which will hopefully enable them to make informed choices and decisions and establish positive relationships. We are fortunate to have a designated PDMU room which has been creatively resourced and furnished.

In our school, PDMU extends beyond the curriculum and is reflected in our school ethos, our pastoral care, the positive discipline policy and merit system. Our Student Council ensures that the pupils have a forum to express their valued opinions and are actively involved in implementing positive change.

Physical Education

Physical Education is about developing a range of fundamental movement skills that will improve the pupils’ co-ordination, locomotion, control and balance and manipulation as well as healthy attitudes and values towards physical activity.

In St. Anne’s, pupils experience a sense of fun, enjoyment and achievement through a variety of timetabled challenging activities within the areas of Dance, Athletics, Games, Gymnastics and Swimming. Strong positive working relationships have been established with organizations such as the GAA, IFA, and Ulster Rugby – our pupils benefitting hugely from their expertise during qualified coaching sessions. St. Anne’s pupils successfully compete in both internal and external tournaments, showcasing their talents -our annual sports’ days, one of the highlights of our school year.

The Arts

The Arts should provide rich opportunities for developing creativity, allowing children to express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world through pictures, sound, drama and dance. It comprises the subjects of Art and Design, Drama and Music. In St. Anne’s, pupils are involved in a wide range of cross curricular activities to allow their individuality, imagination and creativity to blossom.

Art and Design

Our pupils experiment with a range of media and materials to explore the elements of shape, colour, tone, form, space, texture and pattern. They are also given the opportunity to appreciate artistic style of famous artists and to work in collaboration with local artists to produce some of their own pieces.


In St. Anne’s, each pupil is given the opportunity to work creatively with sound by listening to, singing and performing using a variety of instruments. Specialized tuition is offered to pupils who play string, wind and brass instruments. Our school choir, traditional group, wind band and strings orchestra perform at various school and community events, much to the delight of their audiences.


Our pupils engage in a range of creative and imaginative role-play situations to develop dramatics skills and strategies. They are encouraged to recreate and invent situations through mime, movement, improvisation and role-play. Our Nativity Plays and Primary Seven concerts are first class productions where our pupils step out and shine.

Religious Education

Catholic Education permeates all aspects of St. Anne’s school life. It is expressed and celebrated in our ethos, relationships and the holistic development of each child. In St. Anne’s, we strive to ensure that every child realizes and reaches their true potential, delivering a Catholic education that is person-centred, inclusive and rooted in the Gospel Values. We also promote the spirit of charity, social justice and global awareness leading to practical outreach and partnerships with organizations such as Trocaire and St Vincent de Paul.

The ‘Grow in Love’ Programme allows our pupils to develop a positive sense of themselves and their Catholic faith, along with a respect for the beliefs and values of others.  The three way partnership between our school, home and parish family is crucial especially in the preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation which are celebrated in Year 3, 4 and 7.

Nursery Curriculum

There are six areas of learning in the Nursery curriculum: Language Development, Early Mathematical Experiences, The Arts, The World Around Us, Physical Development and Movement, Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Our pupils access the content of their curriculum through well planned and challenging play-based learning activities (imaginative play, social play, creative play, constructive play, manipulative play, investigative play, sand-and-water play, outdoor play).

Thematic play activities enable our pupils to develop the dispositions for learning such as curiosity, openness, optimism, resilience, concentration and creativity. They provide opportunities for our pupils to build on their skills and experiences and to make connections with their learning in meaningful contexts. These high quality learning experiences coupled with clear communication ensures the transition from nursery to foundation stage is a smooth one.