Our School

Principal's Welcome . . .

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our school website. Through your visit I hope you will be able to gain an insight into the life of St. Anne’s Primary School, through the experiences of our pupils and their work, and through the various different bits of information you will be able to access. As a Catholic school our aim is not only to educate children to the highest standards but also to develop their relationship with Christ, reflected in the ethos and relationships within the school. In addition to high standards of education we offer a broad and balanced experience for our pupils through their involvement in sports, music, drama, after-schools provision and so on. Please take the time to visit all the different parts of our website. Our Prospectus will give you additional information about St. Anne’s and don’t hesitate to contact the school if we can be of further help.

 Mr Ciarán Conway

Why choose St Anne's?

St Anne’s is a Catholic School, which strives to achieve excellence in the standards of learning and teaching and the holistic development of the child through the daily living out of our Catholic Faith.

Each child is supported and encouraged to fulfil his or her spiritual, social, emotional and aesthetic potential. Central to this is the recognition of the worth and value of each child and the cultivation of his or her self-esteem and respect for others, using Christ as our model.

A Modern School With A Traditional Approach

The school, which opened in 1956, has been regularly extended to accommodate its increasing population. It is set in extensive grounds between Finaghy and Dunmurry and boasts modern facilities, including interactive whiteboards in every classroom, two computer suites, a music room, two libraries, a room for Personal Development and Mutual Understanding and a medical room.

St Anne’s is staffed by the Principal, the Vice-Principals, thirty class teachers and three Special Needs teachers. Each Primary 1 and Primary 2 class has a Classroom Assistant. The school also includes a purpose-built Nursery Unit, accommodating two classes with a total of fifty-two pupils.

The school also operates a Breakfast Club for P1 – P7 Pupils. The supervised breakfast club is situated in both dining halls and offers a range of healthy breakfast options, including cereals and toasted pancakes. Opening times – 8.30am – 9.00am.

Nurturing Pupils To Fulfil Their Potential

We strive for high academic, sporting and artistic achievement on the part of all our pupils. Our staff recognise each child as an individual, with individual needs, which we seek to meet and with individual talents, which we seek to nurture. The overall quality of the teaching in St Anne’s has been recognised as a strength of the school by the Education and Training Inspectorate.

The school delivers the full range of the Northern Ireland Curriculum to the highest standards, in accordance with statutory requirements. As stated in the conclusion of our most recent inspection report from April 2013, ‘Overall, the school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children and has demonstrated its capacity for sustained self-improvement’.

We also place a high emphasis on the pastoral care of our pupils and promote their social and emotional well-being. ‘The quality of the arrangements for pastoral care in the primary school is outstanding and the school has an inclusive and welcoming ethos with effective working relationships at all levels’ – ETI report, April 2013. We follow a Positive Behaviour Policy and pupils are expected to maintain a high standard of behaviour at all times. A Healthy Break Policy operates throughout the school.

Building A Positive Wider School Community

At St Anne’s we value and encourage links with all our parents. We have parents’ curricular meetings, formal parent-teacher meetings and informal parent-teacher discussions. Regular newsletters inform parents of the life of the school and parents are invited to school events.

We have a very active and supportive Parents’ Association, which organises a range of successful social and fund-raising events throughout the year, as well as after-school activities. Primary 1, 2 and 3 pupils can participate in the “Body and Mind” programmes and a range of other after-school activities. Primary 4 to Primary 7 pupils can enjoy basketball, netball, dance, soccer, guitar, arts and crafts, Gaelic football, camogie and hurling.

The school also engages in cross-community programmes & events and we also have international links with schools in Europe. We encourage our pupils to participate in public competitions, we organise visits to educational facilities and invite interesting educationalists into school.

Who's Who?

  • Principal – Mr Ciaran Conway
  • Vice-Principals – Ms OCarroll | Ms J Watson
  • Head of Nursery – Mrs Hamill
  • Head of Foundation Stage – Mrs Mc Glone
  • Head of Key Stage One – Mrs J O Neill
  • Head of Key Stage Two – Miss A O Neill
  • Nursery – Mrs Hamill/Miss Crawford | Mrs Schmidt
  • P1 – Mrs Heagney /Ms C Collins | Miss O Rawe | Mrs Maxwell | Ms Crossan
  • P2 – Miss Gillespie | Mrs A Collins/Mrs Murphy | Miss O Boyle | Mrs Murray/Mrs Murphy
  • P3 – Miss Kenny | Mrs Loscol | Mrs Donnelly | Mrs Walsh
  • P4 – Miss Edwards | Mrs Brown | Mrs Mc Gleenan/Mrs Mc Ateer | Mrs Niblock/Ms  Fitzpatrick
  • P5 – Mrs Woods/Mrs Mc Ateer | Mr Murphy | Mr McCooe/Ms C Collins | Mrs Cavanagh
  • P6 – Miss Lavery | Mr Teague | Miss Payne | Mr Gribben
  • P7 – Ms Mullan | Miss A O Neill | Mr Donnelly | Mrs C Watson
  • Learning Support Co-ordinator – Mrs J O Neill
  • Learning Support Co-ordinator & English as Additional Language – Mrs Mc Glone
  • Designated Teacher for Child Protection – Ms O’Carroll
  • Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection – Mrs Mc Glone
  • Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection in the Nursery – Mrs Hamill