
Create, Connect and Share Respect

St Anne’s pupils celebrated Safer Internet Day 2018 with a school-wide programme of events aimed at promoting the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children.

Our younger pupils listened to the Adventures of Smartie the Penguin, who knew what to do when something strange appeared on his tablet. Older pupils explored which online behaviours can have a positive effect on young people and which types of behaviours have a negative effect. They also considered how they could manage online conflict in a positive way and how their online behaviour can impact on the feelings of others.

Below are photographs of a P3 class who were introduced to the concept of a Digital Footprint and explored what their own digital footprint might look like. There was even something for the parents who were invited to an Online Safety Information Evening. If you would like any further advice on how to support your child online the following websites provide excellent information and guidance.

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Life at St Anne’s

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2