
Open for business

Our school library has undergone a make-over! Shelves have been restocked with second-hand books kindly donated by our parents. New stock, particularly non-fiction texts, will be purchased with the money raised at the recent PTA St. Valentine’s coffee morning. With a generous £450.00 raised, we are definitely feeling the love! A new electronic coding and scanning system has also been installed. A big thank you to Mrs Clarke and Mrs O Neill, our PTA and a team of enthusiastic and hard-working P7 pupils who made this all possible. Now everyone can sit back, relax, and enjoy this flexible learning space which a hub of creativity and collaborative learning. Afterall, ‘Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve and contribute…..Libraries change lives for the better.’ (Sidney Sheldon)

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Life at St Anne’s

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2