
Let’s make some noise!

Anti bullying Week is an important week in the life of our school, when we can build on the strong anti-bullying culture, we foster in St. Anne’s.

This year’s theme is ‘Make a Noise about Bullying’.  Through class-based activities and year group assemblies, the children will explore the many forms of bullying and the feelings associated with being bullied. They will also identify who they can reach out to in relation to bullying behaviours and will explore how they can set positive examples to create kinder communities. Odd Socks Day and Crazy Hair Day provide the opportunity for everyone to celebrate their uniqueness whilst spreading the anti-bullying message.

Our school councillors, in their role as St. Anne’s Bully Busters, will be visiting classes during this week to encourage pupils to enter the Anti-Bullying Week Creative Competition and to raise awareness. They will also be taking part in a ‘Let make a noise about Bullying’ parade with local schools along Black’s Road.

If you wish to access further information in relation to bullying click on the following link: Parent-Carer Toolkit Anti-Bullying Week 2023


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Life at St Anne’s

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