
Keeping the faith

‘Living life to the Full’ was the theme for this year’s celebration of Catholic Schools Week. Our pupils took the time to reflect on: their own unique talents; how they each can make the world a kinder, more inclusive, and welcoming place; and how our school can be a community of love. Special time was dedicated to celebrating the contribution of  grandparents in their lives. One of the daily themes explored was ‘Facing the Future’…..and we should take hope and advice from our P1 pupils as: Lorcan said, ‘in the future, I want to be God’s friend.’  whilst Holly said, ‘I want to be a mermaid in the future because I can swim in the sea and take the rubbish out.’ So much to be grateful for, ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.’

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Life at St Anne’s

Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2