
Watch the Birdie

P4IS and P6COB took part in the Big Schools Bird Watch on 12th February. Before going out to collect the data, Mr Woods from the ‘RSBP’, a father of one of our P4 eco-agents, gave a presentation on how to identify the different species.

Pupils then spent an hour recording the maximum number of a species seen together at the same time. They identified robins, hooded crows, wood pigeons, chaffinches and collared doves, to name but a few.  Our results showed that the magpie was the most common bird in our school grounds, followed by the blue tit, then the carrion crow and the coal tit.

The Eco-Agency hope to use this data to shape future projects to help us increase the biodiversity around the school and to look after the creatures that call our school ‘home’.

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Life at St Anne’s

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