On Friday 9th of June, St Anne’s Bully Busters ran their first Anti-Bullying event, ‘Send a Smile Day’ or ‘S.A.S. Day’ as it became known. This day was all about making sure everyone felt happy and safe in St Anne’s and about giving a smile to everyone who crossed their path that day.
Preparation for this event had been under way for a few weeks. Our Bullying Buster Team, comprising of our P5 and P6 school councillors and headed up by Anti-Bullying Ambassadors; Jessica Johnston and Orla Gannon, had visited all year group assemblies to present their PowerPoint presentation promoting this event. They had followed this up with a poster campaign in school and an email to parents. Orla and Jessica also shared top tips with pupils on how to prevent bullying and reminded them of whom they can turn to for support if they, or someone they know, is being bullied. Although the sun shone brightly on that day it couldn’t outshine the smiles on the faces in St. Anne’s, including those on the biscuits Jessica made for her class to enjoy on our first SAS day. Well done to Jessica and Orla on a fantastic result for their first Bully Buster Team event.