Primary One pupils are exploring the WAU topic ‘Jobs People Do’. To gain a greater understanding of the different occupations, they sent out an invitation to the adults within our school community. The response was fantastic and as a result a barrister, a paramedic, a nurse, a caretaker, a secretary, a priest, vice-principals and firemen came to visit.
Each person gave a presentation outlining their responsibilities followed by a Q &A session, using questions prepared by the children. Pupils also got to see the equipment and specialised clothing used in the different professions: Mr Marley’s drill, Mrs Lynn’s calculator, Mr Morrisey’s wig, Mrs Rock’s stethoscope, Mr. Skillen’s oxygen mask and Mr Cassidy’s fire-engine. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed learning about how these people help them. So on their behalf, we would like to thank all those who made a special effort to come and talk to the children. It is very much appreciated.