
The ‘Bear’ Necessities includes an ambulance!

Pupils in the Nursery became paramedics for the morning when Jacqui the paramedic arrived in her Community Education ambulance. To begin with, she informed the children of the different aspects of her job. She then told them a story of a poor teddy who had fallen off his bicycle. Afterwards, the pupils had the opportunity to board the ambulance where Teddy was waiting to be transported to hospital. Jacqui spoke to the children about germs and the need to wear gloves, as well as the special bed with wheels that would wheel Teddy into hospital. Some of the pupils had the task of putting the oxygen mask over Teddy’s mouth and a splint on his leg. To top it all off, the children got to try on the paramedic helmets and press the button to sound the siren.

As well as having lots of fun, the pupils from the Nursery are now much more aware of the role of a paramedic and what happens in the case of an emergency. Hopefully they will have lasting positive impressions of the ambulance service which is the aim of this community initiative. You will also be delighted to hear that Teddy has made a full recovery and is back riding his bicycle again.

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